What is Peace Education?

What is Peace Ed?

Originally a study of the causes of war and its prevention, peace education has evolved into the study of violence in all its manifestations and educating to counteract the war system for the creation of a peace system; a peace system on both the structural and individual level. The content and the methodology of peace education are progressive; promoting egalitarian learning environments, open inquiry, and significant learner participation.

- Dr. Leonisa Ardizzone, Founder of PECHV

  • “Militarism is a value system…which says that human beings basically need to be kept in order by force, and that some people have a natural right to use that force in order to do that. They’re better equipped to decide what’s best for the rest of us.”

    Dr Betty Reardon, Founder of Peace Education

  • “Driven by critical pedagogies that are rooted in critical consciousness, dialogical relationships and practice, transformative agency, and problem-posing, [peace and human rights education] can be vehicles for imagining and working toward more just and sustainable futures.”

    Dr Maria Hantzopoulus, Vassar College

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